Backyard Spiders. Budgewoi to Bateau Bay.

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This site was built with assistance from the following sites and people. We recommend them for further information and identification and thank their builders and owners for the excellent resources they have provided.

Dr. Ron Atkinson's. Find A Spider Guide. Robert Whyte and Dr. Greg Anderson's The Chew Brothers' Brisbane Insects.  

Ed Nieuwenhueys. Spiders of Australia. as well as Project Noah.


Quick guide to common spiders

Male elegant lynx spider

 female elagant lynx spider

Elegant Lynx Spider. Oxyopes elegans

These spiders hunt by chasing and leaping on their prey. Despite being similar in look and habits they are not Salticids


Like all spiders who hunt they have excellent sight. These spiders like to sit on platforms formed by leaves like the nasturtiums here or other plants that sit a small way above the canopy of the foliage where there is both cover and open hunting spaces


They are easily identified by the long spines on their legs


Below: This female was present at the same time and on the same plants as the male. At the time these were the only examples to be found on the property.